Mochila Ergonómica - Isara The One
Mochila Ergonómica - Isara The One
Carregando, aguarde...
As mochilas ergonómicas da marca Isara são feitas de 100% algodão biológico, e cumprem todas as normas de segurança para que possa carregar o seu bebé com todo o conforto e tranquilidade.
As Isara The One são adequadas para usar desde recém nascido até que o bebé queira ser carregado!
Fabricado na UE
A mochila ergonómica Isara The One é um porta bebés ajustável revolucionário, que se ajusta a todos os pais, sejam baixos ou altos, S ou XL, e a todas as crianças, desde recém nascido até à idade pré escolar.
Entre na parentalidad mais confortável com a Isara the One, a companheira perfeita para os passeio em família, com as vantagens da inovação e elegência.
A melhor experiência de carregar o seu bebé!
A Isara desenvolve e produz porta bebés ergonómicos ajustáveis desde 2013, com inúmeros prémios ganhos, altamente reconhecida pela sua versatilidade funcionalidade.
Produto: Mochila Ergonómica ajustável
Tamanho: Tamanho Único
Tamanho da criança: Min. 50 Cm - Max. 116 Cm
Largura do painel: Min. 15 Cm - Max. 38 Cm (Max. 66 Cm com os extensores)
Altura do painel: Min. 30 Cm - Max. 45 Cm
Tecido: 100% Algodão Biológico
Gramagem: 280
Tecido: Jacquard Woven Fabric
Desenhada por uma consultora de babywearing com uma equipa especializada de médicos, a Isara The One é adequada para bebés recém nascidos desde os 3kg até crianças em idade pré escolar.
Testada e certificada para ser usada até aos 20kg.
O tecido das Mochilas é 100% Jacquard de algodão biológico com 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) para fibras naturais biológicas.
É um tecido adequado para as 4 estações do ano.
Feita de materiais de alta qualidade, fivelas, fitas, velcros, reconhecidos mesmo pela indústria automóvel pela sua resistência e durabilidade.
Lave apenas quando necessário para aumentar a vida útil do porta bebés.
No caso de nódoas no tecido, limpar com sabão e água morna e deixar secar.
Ao usar a máquina de lavar roupa, garantir que usa um detergente e um ciclo delicados. Feche todas as fivelas e coloque dentro de um saco de pano ou fronha de almofada fechada.
Não seque na máquina de secar.
Não use amaciador de roupa.
Não exponha diretamente ao sol depois de lavar.
- ISARA oferece 2 anos de garantia
- ISARA cumpre as normas europeias EN 13209-2:2015 e AsTM International standards F 2236-16A
- O Instituto internacional de displasia da anca reconhece Isara como produtos adequados ao normal desenvolvimento da anca
- ISARA The One foi criada e desenvolvida por uma consultora de babywearing em conjunto com uma equipa de ortopedistas especialistas
- ISARA THE ONE é desenhada e fabricana na UE
Livro de Instruções
ISARA The ONE Wolf Family is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Bloom in Rouge is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Diamonda Sleeping Mermaid is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 250 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Diamonda Playing Mermaid is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 250 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Pixelated Twilight is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 250 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Bloom in Noir is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Marine Life Breeze is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Wildlife Sandy is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Wildlife Terra is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Diamonda Au Naturel is a Jacquard woven fabric in 45% organic cotton, 55% natural linen, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Marine Life Oceania is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Diamonda Blue Ink is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Diamonda Gray is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Ruby Code is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Diamonda Black is woven in 100% Jacquard organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Caffe Latte is a sateen woven fabric in 100% organic cotton, 220 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Scarlet is a sateen woven fabric in 100% organic cotton, 220 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Bluestone is a sateen woven fabric in 100% organic cotton, 220 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Aquamarine is a sateen woven fabric in 100% organic cotton, 220 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Manhattan is canvas fabric in 100% organic cotton, 230 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Black-a-Porter is canvas fabric in 100% organic cotton, 230 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard) for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Meadow Grass is made of 100% organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard), the most important certificate for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA The ONE Golden Nest is made of 100% organic cotton, 280 GSM, GOTS certified (The Global Organic Textile standard), the most important certificate for organic natural fibers. The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
ISARA designed the Marine Life pattern based on critically endangered wildlife species that are currently on the edge of extinction due to pollution, climate change, fishing, and habitat loss. Our main goal is to raise the alarm about the loss of wildlife and emphasize our responsibility to protect our planet for future generations, for a better future. The Blue Heart of our Planet needs us, now more than ever!
• Hawksbill Turtle
Hawksbill Turtles represent a vital link in marine life as they help maintain the health of coral reefs and seagrass beds by extracting sponges from crevices on the reef. Their beautiful colored shells are highly valuable and sought after in the illegal “tortoiseshell” markets, being turned into jewelry, souvenirs or other items, mainly for tourists.
• Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus)
The whale shark is the biggest shark that roams the oceans and its main food source is plankton. The health of our oceans depends on these gentle giants as they are a clear indication of abundant plankton across oceans.
• Giant Tortoise
The Giant Tortoise is the largest living tortoise in the world and it can only be found on the Galápagos Islands.
• Sea Lions
Sea Lions live in large colonies on the shores of Galápagos Islands and they exclusively breed here, on these beautiful Islands.
• Galapagos Penguin
Galapagos Penguins are the rarest penguin species in the world, and the only one found at the north of the equator, in the Galápagos.
• Fin Whale
The Fin Whale is the second largest mammal in the world, thus at the top of the food chain, playing a vital role in the health of marine life.
• Sei Whale
Known as one of the fastest whales in the marine habitat, the Sei Whale has become majorly endangered due to commercial whaling.
• Vaquita
Vaquita is undeniably the rarest marine mammal in the world and is currently critically endangered. Imagine that there are as few as 30 Vaquitas left on our Planet due to illegal fishing operations. Just heartbreaking.
ISARA designed the Wildlife pattern based on critically endangered wildlife species that are currently on the edge of extinction due to pollution, climate change, poaching, and habitat loss. Our main goal is to raise the alarm about the loss of wildlife and emphasize our responsibility to protect our planet for future generations, for a better future. Wildlife needs us, now more than ever!
• Amur Leopard
Due to extensive poaching, Amur Leopards are currently listed as an endangered species, with approximately 84 individuals left in the temperate forests.
• Black Rhino
Did you know that rhinos are the oldest groups of mammals in the world?
Black Rhinos play a vital role in their habitat as they shape large portions of land, offering a better home for other species as well, such as elephants.
• Malayan Tiger
Tropical rainforests are the HOME of the Malayan Tiger. Due to massive deforestation, the Malayan Tiger is now more susceptible to poaching and it’s struggling to survive.
• Sumatran Elephant
Sumatran Elephants contribute to a healthy forest ecosystem as their main source of food consists of a large variety of plants. While they feed on plants they also carry and spread the seeds, contributing to the lush forest habitat.
• Saola
Did you know that Saola has been discovered recently in May 1992? They are so rare and vulnerable that protecting their habitat has become one of the greatest priorities for habitat conservation in the Annamite Mountains of Vietnam and Laos.